the one with the introduction

So, after four years of indecision, I’ve finally decided to commit to writing a blog. ‘Commit’ makes it sound like I’ve married WordPress or been forced into doing this, but I promise you I actually enjoy writing (mostly). Immediately, there might be a couple of things that are abundantly clear to you.

1. I am a huge Friends fan (hence the name of this post and my blog in general).

I am aware this kind of borders on plagiarism but hey, it’s hard to be original and no one told me life was gonna be this way…

Awful puns aside, I decided to use this format because I didn’t want my blog name to limit me or my content any more than my painfully basic-ness already does. So, as you may have already guessed, each post will be entitled ‘the one with the *blank*’ and will allude to whatever I’m writing about (…obviously).

2. I am hugely indecisive.

The fact it’s taken me four years to even decide to write a blog may also highlight the fact that I’m seriously indecisive. And, a Libra (yep, I’m THAT person).

Drags favoritas de Rupaul’s Drag Race –

A big reason is due to ‘branding’, i.e. what to name my blog and how to market my posts. I decided to utilise (steal?) the naming format of Friends‘ episodes because a) as aforementioned, I’m a big fan and feel pretentious enough to pay homage to my favourite show and b) it enables me to write about anything, without having to worry about whether it’s cohesive with other posts.

3. I am rubbish at being succinct & this whole post is kind of pointless.

I do tend to ramble a lot so please bear with me! But, I feel like introductions are important so I’m just biting the bullet after literal years of deliberation. The aim of this blog, for me, is to just share my experiences in my final year of university and where I go afterwards as well as to offer some needless opinions on stuff I like and places I’ve been.

So, I’ll give you a little more context to who I am and where I’m at:

  • I’m 21 and 5 ft. 3.5 (the half inch counts!!)
  • I’m in my final year at the University of Birmingham and study English Lit.
  • I am possibly the most average girl you’ll ever meet (did I mention I like Friends?)
  • However, saying this, I’ve only ever had a Pumpkin Spice Latte once (…so far)

basic emma roberts GIF by ScreamQueens

Anyways, I intend to *try* to write and publish something weekly, whether it be about food, events, make up or just whatever I’m feeling, so hopefully someone finds this at least semi-interesting. Until next time 🙂

Hol xo

3 thoughts on “the one with the introduction

  1. Pingback: the one with the 2019 resolutions – the one with the blog

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