the one with 18 lessons

After 1772728 years, I’m back with more self-centred content!! December is always a super stressful month: deadlines, never-ending retail shifts and frantic present buying. It’s also a time of reflection, even more so in the age of social media where Facebook and Snapchat bombard you with your ‘memories’ past and present and Instagram shows you how unpopular you truly are via your annual Top 9 posts.

As 2019 and New Year’s Eve approaches, I’ve inevitably been thinking about resolutions; travel more, get fit, try meditation! Every typical basic girl cliche, you name it, I’ve either tried it/done it/failed it. In retrospect, I really feel like I’ve had so many realisations and moments of growth this year. Whilst 2016 was Kylie Jenner’s ‘year of realising stuff’, 2018 has been mine. So, enjoy the following ramble of 18 life lessons that I feel like I’ve encountered this year.


1. Being proactive is so important! It’s really easy to get overwhelmed, especially if you’re juggling uni/work/health/a social life etc. FOMO is real, so push yourself. Apply for jobs and placements, try to talk to new people, book random holidays! Putting yourself out there is scary but really rewarding.

2. It’s ok to stand up for yourself. I loathe confrontation, but I finally feel confident about standing my ground and not taking shit from people. A lot of this confidence has come with getting (slightly) older and wiser and gaining more life experience, but knowing your self-worth is important.

3. Self-care is a trend I am here for. Bad day? Face mask & chill. Feel tired? Buy yourself a fancy anti-oxidant smoothie. No motivation? Treat yo’self sis.

4. Perspective is key. Just giving yourself time and head space to weigh up your options is really undervalued.


6. Social media is not real life. I wish I could literally shout this from the rooftops. The impact of ‘influencers’ upon society is actually insane, it’s really screwed up our expectations versus our perception of reality. There’s a difference between living your best life and constructing a false reality.

7. My Dear Melancholy is so underrated, especially if you like The Weekend’s older sound and aesthetic.

8. The best friendships are when you may not see each other all the time, but pick up exactly where you left off whenever you do get to. Long-distance friendships are kind of forced upon you as you get older and people move around more and it’s really bittersweet.

9. I am basically nocturnal: the amount of all nighters I pulled this year trying to fulfil deadlines is semi-tragic but I genuinely do work better at night. It’s quieter and just more chill.

10. It’s ok to say no to people. I am a classic people-pleaser but sometimes, you just gotta do you and respect your own limits.

11. Old YouTube is dead: RIP Laura Lee, Manny MUA, Zoella & Alfie Deyes. Long live commentary channels (shout out to Tea Spill and Angelika).

12. University is not forever nor the be-all and end-all. It’s really easy to get swept into the uni-lifestyle bubble and often, I’ve struggled to feel like I really belong. However, 2018 has been the year I’ve chose to embrace more opportunities and meet new people and it’s really boosted my self-confidence.

13. Relationships are hard. Thank u, next.

14. Working in retail is such a paradox: you hate rude customers, but love the camaraderie and banter with your co-workers.

15. Equally, Christmas definitely isn’t the same when you’re working 40+ hours a week in hot, cramped stores with a manic smile plastered to your face as the till breaks down just as the queue trebles when all you want to do is finish your Christmas assignments.

16. Rejection is a positive thing. It sucks to feel like you’re not good enough initially, but ask for feedback and push yourself to try new approaches.

17. Real friends don’t argue about petty stuff and most importantly, will listen.

18. Make time for your goals. It’s so easy to procrastinate and write pointless lists in your fancy Paperchase planner but sometimes you just have to force yourself to sit down and start.

Thank you so much for reading!

Hol xo

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