the one with 3 life updates

Well… it really has been a hot minute since my last post! Unfortunately, life happened and I got super busy, so didn’t have much time or energy to dedicate to writing new content. However, this week I have received the best news, and on top of all the new stuff I have going on at the minute, it inspired me to get back into blogging to a) celebrate and b) distract myself from how truly awful dissertations are.

So, what is my good news, you ask?

  1. I am officially going to America this summer, with AmeriCamp!! Whilst I can’t even begin to explain how excited I am, let’s just say my cat was not very happy with how loudly I screamed when my contract popped up in my emails (sorry Simba).

I’m sure most people are familiar with Camp America and their role as a recruitment agency for American summer camps; however, you may be less familiar with their competitor, AmeriCamp. Honestly, I was too, until I saw their Facebook adverts and researched their company, fees & testimonials, etc.

With regards to my research and the application process, I am intending to write a separate blog post (or maybe even a series, if I’m feelin’ fancy) based on why I chose AmeriCamp over other agencies and the whole application journey in general.

If that sounds even mildly interesting to you, then definitely check back here in the next couple of weeks! But yeah, I’m heading to Pennsylvania to be a Counsellor at Camp Chen-a-Wanda, with up to a month to travel America afterwards and I literally can’t wait!

2. Secondly, I’ve almost finished my degree! I’m so close to the end of my time at UoB and whilst I am definitely sad about the prospect of not being a student anymore, I’m very much over essays. Seriously, there is ‘just’ 19,000 words stopping me from finishing my degree. Please, pray for me x

I’m just excited to have some time to myself & to figure out what I want to do after summer. Plus, I will have so much more time to write! 🙂

And last, but not least, I have also started a new internship this term which is super exciting!  It’s with this company called Lightbox Digital, who specialise in website development & online marketing strategy.

Whilst I’m really stressed & tired from uni/work/interning, it’s a pretty cool distraction and I’ve already learnt so much, including more about WordPress, so hopefully I can put it to good use & step up my blog game alongside beefing up my CV!

So, that’s basically everything semi-interesting I have going on right now! My social life is kind of on hold at the moment due to deadlines and all my other commitments so I’m not gonna lie, my posts will probably remain fairly sporadic (to say the least, hehe) for the near future.

But hopefully, you’ve enjoyed this little insight into my life as a final year student & I’m not too boring. Anyways, thank you so much for reading & I’ll be back asap!

Hol xo





3 thoughts on “the one with 3 life updates

  1. Pingback: the one with the spring playlist – the one with the blog

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