the one where I finished university

As of May 2nd 2019, I have finally finished university and I have never been more physically and mentally drained in my entire life. April was beyond stressful and at times I felt massively overstretched – however, I made it through to the end and I can honestly say that I’m really proud of myself and ready to celebrate. 

Handing in 19,000 words and being able to walk away from the library for the final time felt bloody amazing…yet, also kind of anticlimactic. After 84 hours spent there in the last 7 days of uni alone, I was ready to sleep for about 398763 years. But first, I obviously had to take all of the mandatory dissertation hand-in/just-finished-uni photos that everyone posts this time of year!

I’m glad that university is over for so many reasons. First of all, I will 100% not miss spending over £9k a year on recycled power points and unhelpful tutors. Equally, I’m definitely not going to miss exam season, AKA the Hunger Games: Library Edition (people are ruthless when it comes to getting seats).

Uni is just super expensive in general so I’m hoping once I get a full-time job, I’ll be able to save more. If I could give anyone who was thinking of going one piece of advice then for your own sake, save as much as possible. I’ve worked in retail alongside studying and whilst I’m really glad I did for multiple reasons, there have definitely been times where an extra reserve of money would have been great.

Having said all this, I am genuinely really thankful that I was able to go to university. Over the last 3 years, there’s definitely been times where I’ve doubted myself or considered how much easier my life would be without a mountain of essays but it’s important to push yourself.

In the past year, I’ve forced myself to get out of my comfort zone and apply for jobs and internships that I never thought I’d so much as hear back from. Three placements later, I’ve gained so much practical experience and met so many wonderful people and I feel much more excited about my job prospects for when I get back from camp.

In terms of results, here’s hoping that in a few weeks when they are released that everything goes ok. I can honestly say that I put 100% into my last term so whatever happens, I’ll survive. Plus, if I did really fuck up then at least I’ll be on the other side of the world! If anyone else is in the same boat as me, then I wish you the best of luck and well done for making it through to the end 🙂

So, what’s next for me? As you may have read, I’m going to America for summer camp! At this time of writing, I am just 30 days away from jumping on a plane to NYC. Right now, I’m still working to save as much as I can and finishing my current internship. With this blog, I’ve really slacked this term, but I have loads of stuff scheduled for the next few weeks, so I won’t be gone for too long!

Hol xo

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