the one with the silver linings

Well, hello there! It’s been a pretty long time since my last post and my oh my how things have changed. I’ve tried to write this first ‘comeback’ post so many times I’ve lost track but every time I tried to, something else would distract me or go wrong. But hey, I’m finally doing it! Better late than never, right?

My last post was written on the eve of my 22nd birthday and 6 months down the line, it’s pretty crazy just how much has changed since then. Talking about how ‘time flies’ and just how fast life keeps on jumping ahead is pretty standard conversational fare for most people but it’s truly wild thinking about how fast-paced adult life has become, especially with the current *situation* that’s happening with Covid-19.

I can’t speak for everyone, but I myself am pretty tired of only reading or hearing news about the virus and its rapidly-evolving nature and impact. So whilst it is super important to stay safe and aware of what’s happening around us, I thought it would be a nice distraction for me and you, as the reader, to think about some of the benefits, unexpected positives and overall, silver linings (see what I did there???) that come with the concept of self-isolation and working from home. Life is pretty rough for most people right now, myself included, and whilst it will pass, let’s celebrate the small wins!

The Silver Linings of Self-Isolation

1. You can FINALLY binge watch those shows & and films you added to your Netflix watch list 2 years ago and instead of being anti-social, you’re merely observing self-isolation and social distancing as you should be doing!

(I recommend: Spirited Away, Beetlejuice, Ladybird, La La Land, White Gold and Peep Show)

2. All those odd-jobs you wanted to do in your room or around your home? It’s never been easier to get those done, so if you are mostly holed-up in your house right now, stop procrastinating!! Wash those make up brushes, colour-code your wardrobe, throw away all the junk in your room – whatever floats your boat.

3. The gym might be shut, but you can really easily work out and stay active from home: WITH the advantage of not having to worry about being judged or looking like a sweaty mess! My personal recommendations include Yoga with Adriene, Shreddy (which is subscription-based) and the Gymshark app (which is completely free to use rn!)

4. For the vast majority of people working from home, you can definitely enjoy getting some more sleep now you don’t have to worry about commuting! Plus, enjoy wearing comfy clothes 24/7 and having unlimited access to your fridge. However, this is sort of a blessing and a curse, as it’s so easy to chain-snack without even thinking about it, so try to exercise some self-control!

I think the best way to stay productive is to stick to your normal routine where possible – i.e., get out of bed and your pyjamas and wear some other comfy clothes to do work in. Set up a work desk in a different room if possible and only keep your laptop/work notes/studying materials there. Differentiating between work-mode and chill-mode can be kinda tricky if you’re stuck in the same house 24/7, so it’s all in the details!

5. Give your skin a b r e a k, sis. I love make up, and enjoy wearing it, but it is really nice to not have to worry about doing a full face of make up every morning. If that’s something you’re into, then go ahead, but I’m using this as a chance to ditch foundation and try out every single face mask I’ve collected in the past few months

6. Enjoy listening to whatever music you want! Let’s face it, everyone loves being the office DJ and thinks that their music taste is superior. Whether you prefer head phones, radio or a speaker, it’s all you right now! There’s been so much good music popping up recently too, so basically stream After Hours and thank me later.

7. Use this spare time as a chance to reflect. A lot of things that we as a society take for granted are really unstable and precarious right now; it just reinforces how short and unpredictable the nature of life is and how we shouldn’t take it for granted. So, take a deep breath, and reach out to people you care about.

Even if you haven’t spoken in a while (or maybe you talk everyday), just ask people how they’re doing. It’s such a simple thing, but it really can make a difference. Before this whole situation arose, it was really easy to just put things off – cause well, life was happening or you were ‘busy’. But now most people have some extra time on their hands, so use it wisely!

8. Try to learn a new skill, whether it’s Photoshop, cooking or learning a new instrument! Almost everyone I know has something on their CV that is a complete lie, so use this time to actually invest in yourself and make that white lie a reality 😉

9. Remember to take care of you. The concept of self-care relates to both your physical and mental well-being and obviously, the ‘isolating’ part of self-isolating can be pretty lonely. Self-care is also really personal; some people may *love* having long baths but other people might prefer online shopping, to make themselves feel better. Just make sure that you’re checking in on yourself, whichever way makes sense for you💛

I’m sure there are many other positives you can take from this situation, but one final thing I’d also advise is *not* obsessing over the news and statistics. Keep calm & stay safe, people!

Anyways, as silly as this post may seem, it’s been really fun to get back to writing. On that note, I’m really gonna try to take my own advice and make use of my time to write more regularly✨

Thank you for reading😇

Love, Hol x


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